Thursday, September 4, 2008

Forex Tutorials With Sigma Forex

AN introduction into the new and exciting Forex market. It contains 46 sections covering topics such as:

  • What is FOREX?
  • Why Trade Currencies?
  • History of the FOREX Market.
  • Liquidity, Leverage and Availability.
  • Participants in the FOREX Market.
  • What is the FOREX Spot Market?
  • How does it Work?
  • What are the Risks?
  • What do you Need to Get Started?
  • FOREX Quoting Conventions or Terminology.
  • Calculating PIP Values.
  • Sample Trades: Long and Short.
  • Margin and Risk Management
  • FOREX Trading Strategies
  • and more....

And it's yours at no charge! Simply fill out the form below and you will be immediately directed to the online course!

The course is a Macromedia Flash presentation complete with audio track.

Find Out More